Sex Toys and Body Safety: Materials Explained

When it comes to selecting sex toys, understanding the materials they’re made from is not just a matter of preference, but of safety and health. At Love or Lust, we prioritise your wellbeing by offering a range of body-safe sex toys. Here’s a guide to help you understand different materials and make informed choices about your pleasure products.

Why Material Matters in Sex Toys

The material of a sex toy affects everything from the sensation it provides to how it should be cleaned. More importantly, certain materials are safer for the body than others. Non-porous materials are generally preferred as they don’t harbour bacteria and are easier to clean.

Silicone: The Gold Standard

Silicone is widely regarded as the gold standard for sex toys due to its safety and durability. It’s non-porous, hypoallergenic, and free from harmful chemicals like phthalates. Silicone toys are soft, flexible, and provide a realistic feel. They are easy to clean and can last a long time with proper care.

Hard Plastics: A Safe and Economical Choice

Hard plastic sex toys are another safe option. They are non-porous and free from phthalates. Hard plastic is firm, offering a different kind of sensation compared to silicone. These toys are generally more affordable and are a great choice for vibrators where rigidity can enhance the vibrational sensation.

Glass and Stainless Steel: For a Different Experience

Glass and stainless steel sex toys offer a unique experience. These materials are sleek, firm, and non-porous, making them completely body-safe. They are excellent for temperature play – they can be warmed or cooled for added sensations. Plus, their hardness provides a distinct sensation of fullness and pressure.

Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE) and Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR)

TPE and TPR are commonly used in sex toys due to their flexibility and soft texture. While these materials are phthalate-free, they are porous. This means they can be more difficult to clean thoroughly. Toys made from these materials should be used with a condom and cleaned meticulously.

Latex and Jelly Rubber: Proceed with Caution

Latex and jelly rubber are often found in cheaper sex toys. These materials are porous and may contain phthalates or other harmful chemicals. They can also cause allergic reactions in some people. We recommend avoiding these materials and opting for safer alternatives available at Love or Lust.

Proper Cleaning and Maintenance

Proper cleaning and maintenance are vital, regardless of the material. Silicone, glass, and stainless steel toys can be cleaned with soap and water, boiled, or placed in the dishwasher. For TPE and TPR toys, use a toy cleaner and warm water, and store them separately to prevent reactions with other toys.

Making Informed Choices

Choosing the right material is crucial for a safe and enjoyable experience. At Love or Lust, we provide detailed information on each product to help you make informed decisions. Remember, investing in a high-quality, body-safe toy is investing in your health and pleasure.


Understanding the materials your sex toys are made from is essential for your safety and satisfaction. By choosing body-safe materials and following proper care and maintenance, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Explore our selection of high-quality, body-safe sex toys at Love or Lust and take your pleasure seriously.


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